Free Workshop

Learn How to Talk About Your Business So Customers Will Buy

Friday August 2 | 11:00 am EST | Virtual

Are you wasting money on marketing?

X Are your sales flat, even with an increased ad budget?

X Are your competitors  snatching up all your business?  

X Did you spend too much on a website that’s not getting you new customers?

X Are you losing sleep over how much  you’re spending on Facebook ads?

X Are your leads losing interest  before you ever get to ask for a sale?

X Have you resorted to gimmicks  or high-pressure tactics?

X Is your marketing agency the only one making money off your ads?

X Do people even understand  what you’re selling?

What if you could spend less on marketing and sell more?

How to Talk About Your Business So Customers Will Buy will be the most valuable 60 minutes you spend on your business all year

Here is what you get:

Practical Marketing Tips

Learn how to talk about what you do so customers listen and take action. No more guessing about what works.

An Effective Marketing Plan 

Leave with a step-by-step plan you can implement now. Bring in more leads, convert more customers and make more money.

Free Marketing Assessment

Uncover the gaps in your marketing funnel and how to fix them so you stop wasting time and money.

  • Kristin Messerli Testimonial

    "Karim is an exceptional mind in marketing! His insights were not only eye-opening but also immediately actionable."

    Kristin Messerli

  • "Karim is a gifted storyteller who helps brands uncomplicate their messaging."

    Katie Shive

  • "Karim will not only help you understand what you should improve upon in your marketing, but he will break it down into simple steps for you to begin making the necessary changes so you will start seeing results."

    Deanna Cotton

  • "Karim is an absolutely gifted marketing expert. He was able to help us identify our blind spots."

    Sarah Hurtado

Workshop Details


Friday August 2


11:00 am EST



Meet Your Presenter:

StoryBrand Certified Guide, Karim Darwish

If you’re anything like the dozens of business owners I’ve worked with, you’re tired of wasting money on marketing that doesn’t work. You’ve tried everything, but your bottom line just isn’t budging. It’s so aggravating! 

Or maybe you’re new to the business world (welcome!) and while you know you need marketing, your budget is small and you haven’t a clue where to invest those dollars. “Overwhelmed,” feels like an understatement.

Can I tell you a secret—one many “experts” would rather you not know? If your potential customers don’t understand what you’re selling, it doesn’t matter how big your marketing budget is or what you spend it on. 

What does matter? How you respond to the question, “What does your company do?” And if your answer confuses or bores people, you’re losing sales.

I created How to Talk About Your Business So Customers Will Buy workshop to solve that problem. You’ll learn exactly how to talk about your products or services in a way that captures your customers’ attention and compels them to buy. 

That’s effective marketing, and you deserve it.

Get a Custom Marketing Plan that Grows Your Business

You need a marketing plan that you feel confident in. Take the 10-minute assessment, and you'll get a FREE, customized marketing plan that will generate more revenue for your business.