Turn Your Website Into a Sales Maching

A successful website needs to accomplish ONE thing:

Convert visitors into buyers.

Is your website giving you the leads and clients you need?

If your answer is no, you are not alone.

Many businesses spend a lot of money on a beautiful website that doesn’t convert.

Here is why:

People don’t buy from beautiful websites. They buy from clear websites.

Take a look at this website:

7 Essentials of a High-Converting Landing Page:

Your website is your 24/7 sales representative.

A confusing website will turn away potential clients.

You need to attract visitors and give them a reason to stay.

Then empower them to become your customers.

You can apply these essential sections to your website homepage, product pages, lead-generating pages, and any landing pages you want to drive conversion.

​1) Header

The header is the top section of your website and the first thing visitors see. Your header needs to explain

  • What you offer.

  • How people can get it

  • How it enhances their lives.

Bad Example:

Unleash Your Full Potential

Get Started

Effective Example:

Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs

Get the training and tools to stop feeling held back and start achieving your life goals in just 6-weeks.

Join the Course

2) The Stakes

This section should make visitors feel seen and heard by articulating the challenges and consequences they are experiencing, and explaining:

  • The problem your customers face.

  • The pain they feel.

  • The consequences of not solving the problem.

3) The Solution

This section empowers visitors to see the solution and take action to overcome their challenges by:

  • Positioning your products and services as the solution.

  • Highlighting the value to the customers.

  • Calling them to take action and buy.

4) The Plan

This section gives visitors a clear path to getting your solution and solving their problem. It should:

  • Give clear and simple steps.

  • Explains how easy it is to do business with you.

  • Calls them again to take action and start the plan.

5) The Trusted Mentor

In this section, you want to:

  • Show empathy: why do you feel their pain and want to help?

Is it your personal experience? Your values? Etc.

  • Show authority: why you are qualified to solve the problem?

Do you have education, certifications, or work experience? Etc.

6) The Testimonials

In this section, you want to show your results.

  • Testimonials

  • Case Studies

  • Reviews

It’s also more credible to hear about how awesome you are from others :))

If you don’t have any testimonials, it’s time to reach out to past clients.

If you don’t have any results yet, no worries, start gathering testimonials as you serve new clients.

7) The Lead Magnet

Not everyone who visits your website is ready to buy your products and services

  • They don’t have the problem you solve yet.

  • They are not bothered by the problem yet.

  • They don’t know or trust you yet.

You need a way to stay in touch with those visitors and be top of mind so that when they are ready to buy, they think of you first.

A lead magnet is a high-value content you give visitors in exchange for their email addresses.

More on lead magnets next week.

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